Website Disclaimer

The content presented by GOXMIX LIMITED on is for the sole purpose of general information. The content presented on the website is created with honest intentions. However, we can make no kind of representation or warranty, whether express or implied, with respect to the validity, completeness, correctness, or accessibility of any content presented on the site.
There are no circumstances where we shall be liable to you for any damage or loss incurred of any form as a consequence of your use of this website or your reliance upon any content freely presented on the website. By using the website and relying upon any content presented, you do so solely at your own risk.

Third-Party Links Disclaimer

This website may include or may provide through the website links to sites and/or content generated by third parties. These links are not reviewed or audited for the validity, completeness or correctness of the information provided by us.
We do not verify, endorse, guarantee, or accept responsibility for the accuracy or validity of any information or content created by third-party websites with links on this website. We will not be a party to or assume responsibility for monitoring any transactional activity between you and the third party.

Professional Disclaimer

This website cannot and does not contain advice relating to home improvement and building trade. The home improvement and building trade content are presented for general information and educational purposes only. It is not a replacement for professional advice. Therefore, we would advise that before taking any actions resulting from the information presented, we would urge you to consult with appropriate professionals. We do not provide home improvement and building trade advice. The use or reliance on any information presented on the website is solely at your own risk.

Testimonials Disclaimer

The website may contain reviews and testimonials by consumers of our products. These will reflect the reality of real-life experience and the personal reflections of those users. As these are personal reflections, they may not automatically be representative of all consumers of our products. We do not assert, and you should not assume, that all consumers will have the same experience of our products and that your individual outcomes may vary.
The views and opinions contained in the reviews and testimonials are solely of the individual who submitted them. These will not reflect the views and opinions of GOXMIX LIMITED. The individuals who provide reviews or testimonials are not affiliated with us and are not remunerated or compensated for their testimonials.